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That’s for a good reason as Egyptian cotton is indeed world’s finest cotton quality available. There are some truly unique technical specs that set Egyptian cotton apart from other natural fibers:

​The humid conditions and rich soil in Egypt along the Nile River banks create the perfect conditions to grow long cotton fibers (also known as staples).

​The staples of Egyptian cotton can range from 1 1/2 inches to 2 1/4 inches. Their long length is about twice the size of other cotton fibers.

​The length of the fiber makes it possible to spin the finest yarns without sacrificing the strength of the yarn itself.


The strength of the fiber makes fabrics more durable and resistant to stress.

​Its ability to absorb liquids gives Egyptian cotton sheets deeper, brighter and more resistant colors.

​The yarns are smooth and lustrous and the softness of the woven fabric feels like nothing else, crafted in world’s finest luxury linens.

​Egyptian cotton is hand picked which guarantees the highest levels of purity. In addition, hand picking puts no stress on the fibers – as opposed to mechanical picking – leaving the fibers straight and intact.

​The particular care in terms of the cultivation process, and the hand harvesting, ensures that the cotton is perfectly clean at every stage of the growth cycle. The cotton is gathered by hand at 5 specific stages of its life in order to select only fully ripe seeds. This meticulousness yields a perfect quality yarn: its long and ripe fibers give exceptionally soft and silky luxury linens with a truly outstanding quality.

All these factors have resulted in Egyptian cotton being by far the best cotton in the world. Fabrics made of Egyptian Cotton are softer, finer, last longer than any other cotton in the world and are crafted into exquisite luxury linens.

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